
10th Class English Chapter 5C A Tale of Three Villages Textbook Questions and Answers


I. Answer the following questions

Question 1.Why were the large empty drums placed outside Mr. Nana house?

Answer: Some chemical factories of Italy unloaded metal drums of poisonous chemical near a stream that the villagers get their drinking water from. There were such large empty metal drums outside Mr. Nana house. These drums might have fallen down and rolled or been rolled by playful children

Question 2.What harm can the pyramid of identical drums cause to the villagers?
(Or) What are the evil effects of pyramid of drums?

Answer: The slimy contents of various colours are leaking out from the drums and flowing down on to the African earth and into the stream which is a source of drinking water to the villagers. They may cause health hazards

Question 3.Why was the Chief smiling as the lorries drove away?

Answer: The people who unloaded drums gave the Chief a brown paper bag which might contain money. So he smiled as the lorries drove away.

Question 4.Was Thomas Agonyo correct in his findings? Justify your opinion?

Answer: Yes, Thomas Agonyo was correct because 13 people had died with terrible pain and lots of children were sick because of the metal drums that contained poisonous chemicals

Question 5.Why didnt the people move from their place?

Answer: They had no money to buy land. So they had no choice

Question 6.There is a repetition of sentences with some in the passage. Read the passage again and write down the sentences and the function of some in each one of them. Do you find any other repetitions in the passage? If yes, mention it?


  • Some of them are badly corroded, their slimy contents of various colours - grey, dark green, bright orange, etc. - leaking out, down, onto the baked African earth and into the stream
  • Some have fallen down and rolled - or been rolled by playful children - into the bush
  • Some are smoking in the midday heat
  • Some are swelling, as if their contents are bursting to get out
  • Some have already burst
Other repetitions
  • "They came on a Wednesday", said Sunday, "Many, many big lorries "
  • They took all day unloading them
  • They gave the Chief a brown paper bag - I saw him smiling as the lorries drove away
  • Other such repetitions:
  • We have asked the government to take the drums away, but they do nothing ..
  • We have written to Italy, but they do nothing
  • We have no money to buy land
  • We have no choice
  • We have to stay here

II. Choose the correct answer

1. Nana house is __________?
  • picturesque, colourful and noisy
  • with mud walls and a rusting corrugated iron roof


  • with mud walls and a rusting corrugated iron roof
2. ________ is visible on the empty metal drums?
  • bright red paint flaking away
  • skull and crossbones symbol


  • skull and crossbones symbol
3. The important conclusion Thomas Agonyo gave is that ________?
  • the drums had come from Italy
  • the drums contained poisonous chemicals


  • the drums contained poisonous chemicals
III. Writethe adjectives or adjective phrases that describe the happy and gloomy situations in the village?

Answer: Adjectives or adjective phrases describing the happy situations in the village : picturesque, colourful, noisy, brightest boy, children, and chickens sharing the compound

Adjectives or adjective phrases describing the gloomy situations in the village ?
  • rusting corrugated iron roof
  • frowning
  • a troubled look
  • terrible pain
  • mountain of death in the clearing


Quantifiers as the name implies are a type of determiners which denote imprecise quantity. They differ from numbers or numerals which indicate precise quantity

Example :

Ive got some apples in my basket and some water in my bottle. I havent got any apples in my basket, nor any water in my bottle. Generally quantifiers are used before nouns

Some, any, all, no, no one, both, each, every, several are some of the quantifiers.

"Some" is usually thought of as the positive counterpart to "any" in many circumstances

"Any" can be used before countable and uncountable nouns usually in questions and negative sentences

Example :
  • Are you bringing any friends with you
  • I am bringing some friends with me
  • Quantifiers come before nouns. Some of the quantifiers you find in the text are: some, any, no. You also find numerals. Pick out the nouns along with quantifiers and numerals and write them down and analyze the meaning they convey?


    • Any other African village ? like the other African villages
    • Some of them ? a few drums in the heap of drums
    • Some of them are badly corroded ? a few drums got rusted
    • Some have fallen down and rolled - or been rolled by playful children ? a few drums are rolled down from the enormous pyramid of drums
    • Some are smoking in the midday heat ? a few drums among the heap of drums are smoking due to chemical reaction
    • Some are swelling, as if their contents are bursting to get out ? a few drums are bulged and ready to burst.
    • Some have already burst ? a few drums are already burst
    • Fill in the blanks appropriately with the following quantifiers: no, any, all, some, each, several, and every?
      • ____ ordinary person is bothered about climatic changes. If we talk of ____
      • ____ changes, people look at us as if we dont have ____
      • ____ work. In fact, it is such a grave problem that ____
      • ____ person has to think about. ____
      • ____ scientists feel alarmed because the ozone layer is depleting. In addition, ____
      • ____ people believe that the global warming is creating climatic problems. But ____
      • ____ single individual shows
      • concern for it.


      • No
      • any
      • any
      • every
      • All
      • several
      • no
      • any
      2. ?
      • ____ meteorologists predict that the world will get warm between 2 to 4 degrees Celsius by the year 2030. The scientists believe that ____
      • ____ year ____
      • ____ polar ice will melt and cause rainfall, increase in the sea level and also temperature will be affected. ____
      • ____ people disagree with the theory that the human activity is having an effect on the world climate. ____
      • ____ scientists need to monitor the Earth atmosphere and ____
      • ____ human beings need to care for the air, water and plant life that influence world weather


      • Some
      • every
      • some
      • Several
      • All
      • all
      3. People who disagree with the theory that there is a direct relationship between the human activity and climate believe that the world climate has gone through?
      • ____ changes since the earth and its atmosphere first formed. So for ____
      • ____ argument there is a counter argument. ____
      • ____ individual differs with the other in ____
      • ____ way or the other


      • several
      • any
      • Every
      • some

      1. Koko Village, Nigeria Summary

      Mr. Sunday Nana, his wife and four children live in Koko village, Nigeria. Five years ago the village was like any other African village - picturesque, colourful and noisy. But now in a clearing 200 m away from the village, next to a stream that the villagers get their drinking water from, is an enormous pyramid of identical drums reaching to the sky. The skull and crossbones symbol is clearly visible on each. Later Thomas Agonyo, one of the brightest boys in the village explained to the villagers that the drums contained poisonous chemicals and they had come from Italy. 13 people had died and lots of their children were sick in the last five years because of those poisonous drums

      1. Koko Village, Nigeria Glossary

      picturesque (adj) : pretty but old fashioned

      rusting (adj) : becoming covered with rust

      corrugated (adj) : shaped into a series of regular waves

      flaking (v) : breaking as thin small pieces

      skull and cross bones (n) : symbol to show that something is dangerous

      corroded (adj) : rusted

      corroded (v) : destroyed something by chemical action

      slimy (adj) : covered with unpleasant thick liquid

      swelling (v) : the condition of being larger or rounder than normal

      frowning (v) : bringing eyebrows together to show anger

      clearing (n) : an open space in a forest

      2. Ponnimanthuri Village, India


      I. Answer the following questions

      Question 1.The people in this village were affected by chemical factories. Where, in your opinion, should the factories be built?

      Answer: The factories should be built in open non-fertile lands far from habitats. Eco-friendly industries with minimum use of chemicals can be encouraged even in villages or towns

      Question 2.If it is necessary to build factories near the villages, what precautions should be taken to keep the villagers safe?

      Answer: The chemicals released from factories would not be dumped in open fields and into rivers. Special ash ponds must be there for the discharged chemicals and they must be far away from the habitations

      Question 3.The narrator said at the end, There is so much they didnt tell you, I thought"- What was that so much that was not told, according to you?

      Answer: Vijayasama sighed and reported to the narrator that the leather industry management didnt tell them that the chemicals would be dumped in open fields and into their rivers. They didnt tell them that their women would have to walk ten kilometers everyday and they would get ulcer and sores on their bodies

      But the narrator thinks that they dont know some more hidden hazards till now. They dont know there wont be any life in Ponnimanthuri village one day. They will either be died or been forcibly evacuated. By keeping this view the narrator said like that at the end


      Write the following sentences in reported speech

      1. "1 can remember the time." she said wistfully, "when all the fields around this village were green and the harvests good." ?

      Answer: She said wistfully that she could remember the time when all the fields around that village were green and the harvests good

      2. "They said that factories need leather to make shoes, handbags and clothes. They . said our men folk would get jobs. They said we would all become rich." ?

      Answer: It was reported that they had said that the factories needed leather to make shoes, handbags and clothes, their menfolk would get jobs and they would all become rich

      2. Ponnimanthuri Village, India Summary

      Ponnimanthuri village was once a beautiful village with all the green fields around and good harvests. But now it became highly polluted due to leather factory which uses as many as 250 different chemicals including heavy metals such as cadmium, arsenic and chromium. The villagers hope that the menfolk would get jobs and they would all become rich. But these chemicals poison their fields so that nothing would grow. They got ulcer and sores on their bodies. All are in a state of despair

      2. Ponnimanthuri Village, India Glossary

      wistfully (adv) : thinking sadly about that we would love to have

      harvests (n) : yields from crop

      outstretched (v) : spread out as far as possible; pulled out to full length

      monsters (n) : large, frightening imaginary creatures

      spluttered (v) : spoke quickly and with difficulty

      fist (n) : a tightly closed hand

      ominous (adj) : suggesting that something bad to happen in future

      horizon (n) : the point where sky appears to meet sea or earth

      shroud (n) : thick cover

      menfolk (n) : men

      tanning (n) : process of making animal skin into leather

      chimney (n) : a structure to carry smoke or steam up away

      ulcer (n) : a sore area inside the body

      trailed off (phr. v.) : became gradually quieter and then stopped

      3. Vorobyov Village, Ukraine (formerly USSR)


      Answer the following questions

      Question 1.What measures should the government have taken when the nuclear reactor was installed beside the village?

      Answer: The nuclear reactor should not be installed beside the village at any cost. If it is mandatory, the nuclear reactor must be installed 10 miles away from the habitations and must not be installed near a water body. The authorities concerned should give awareness to nearby residents. The government should minimize the use of nuclear power

      Question 2.What havoc can radioactive dust cause?

      Answer: Radioactive dust can cause nausea, headache, vomitings, all types of cancers especially skin cancer and leukaemia, white blood cells damage and the damage of brain cells, etc. It can cause vomits and hair fall. The people grow thin and sores appear all over their bodies

      Question 3.Pick out the words/expressions/images that describe the tragedy caused by the radioactive dust?


      • ..., all three died - all three on the same day
      • Theyre buried over there
      • Lots of village children are. And adults
      • It was a ghost town
      • No one lived there anymore
      • They had either died or been forcibly evacuated
      • The fields were barren
      • Nothing grew
      • Nothing ever would again
      • There was no bird-song
      • No rabbit peered at me
      • No cow endlessly chewed
      • No horse neighed


      Out of the three villages you have read about, choose one village of your choice (you may also choose a completely different one). You are a TV reporter. You need to go to one of the villages and from there you have to report orally to the news channel what all you find there. How would you report

      Write in a spoken discourse the dialogue between you and the TV newsreader.The beginning is given below

      TV Newsreader : Our correspondent reports from Koko village - What is the situation there ? How do you find the village? What are the people around saying

      Answer: TV Newsreader (Vandana) : Our correspondent reports from Koko village - Abhi! What is the situation there? How do you find the village? What are the people around saying

      Abhi : Vandana ! Here the situation is horrible. We find many people in the beds being sick. The people are in need of help

      TV Newsreader : Is the enormous heap of identical drums there? Where is it located

      Abhi : Yes, the drums are still there. They are in a clearing 200 m away from the village, next to a stream, that the villagers get their drinking water from

      TV Newsreader : Do you find any symbols on those chemical drums

      Abhi : Ya, skull and crossbones symbol is clearly visible on each which indicates danger

      TV Newsreader : How many years ago were the drums unloaded and who unloaded

      Abhi : Here, the people said that they were unloaded five years ago and many many big lorries came and unloaded them

      TV Newsreader : How do they come to know that the drums contain poisonous chemicals

      Abhi : Thomas Agonyo, one of the brightest boys in the village who started university in Lagos found out this problem

      TV Newsreader : Abhi, did you talk to him

      Abhi : Ya Vandana, I talked to him. He said that they had come from Italy and due to this chemical pollution 13 people have died until now. Lots of children are sick. They have been in pain, terrible pain before death

      TV Newsreader : Abhi, did you inquire anybody else in the village

      Abhi : Yes Vandana, 1 inquired Mr. Sunday Nana whose elder brother died because of this chemical pollution

      TV Newsreader : Did they inform the government about the intensity of pollution

      Abhi : Yes, they informed the government and wrote to Italy also. But they do nothing

      TV Newsreader : What did they want to do now? Is there any chance to vacate the village and to go to another place

      Abhi : They have no choice as they are poor and they have no money to buy land

      TV Newsreader : So what do they want to do

      Abhi : Vandana, they finally concluded that the mounain of death in the clearing is their neighbour

      TV News Reader : OK ! Thank you for your report, Abhi

      Abhi : Thank you, Vandana

      TV News Reader : I request the authorities concerned to respond positively at least now and to find out the solution for their problem

      Project Work

      Talk to your grandparents about life fifty years ago. Talk to them as to how the plants, animals and water bodies were cared for or not cared. Seek the views of the elders and fill in the table?

      Based on the information you have gathered in the last column of the table, discuss in groups how best the youngsters can help save/protect the environment. List the specific recommendations


      • List of recommendations that help/save/protect plants
      • Afforestation should be encouraged
      • Step forming should be encouraged
      • Vegetation should be conserved
      • Indiscriminate deforestation should be discouraged
      • List of recommendations that help/save/protect animals
      • More and more plants are needed to support animal life
      • Awareness on ecological balance should be raised
      • Measures should be adopted to check pollution levels
      • Awareness on bio-diversity should be received on due attention
      • Enforcement of laws should be strengthen for the conservation of wild life
      • List of recommendations that help/save/protect water bodies
      • Making of recharge pits should be increased to replenish ground water
      • Global warming and pollution levels should be checked as far as possible
      • Increase access to potable water and sanitation facilities
      • Promote positive behaviour towards water and sanitation facility utilization and hygiene practices (Behaviour Change Communication)
      • Strengthen capacities of relevant national, county, district, and community stakeholders to perform their role in community water and sanitation services delivery management
      • Improve clean water and sanitation standards, guidelines, procedures, and approaches achieved through regular and productive C00rdination and collaboration with relevant government, NGOs, and donor stakeholders
      • Increase access to seed funds to support community generated activities that will complement infrastructural development
      • Enhance strategic alliances and partnerships between public and private entities for development
      • List of recommendations to check air pollution
      • Avoid using private vehicles. Use public transport. This will help in reduction of usage of fuel. Encourage walking and bicycling (cycling)
      • Proper Servicing of Vehicles : We should all do proper timely servicing of vehicles. Do proper pollution check up of the cars, use unleaded petrol whenever possible and lower the consumption of fuel
      • The use of public transport is an effective way to prevent consumption of fuel as well as generate some government revenue
      • If we use alternative energy sources such as hydroelectric power, solar energy and save energy by switching off fans, air conditioners, lights, this will indirectly help in preventing air pollution
      • Proper awareness programs should be made about the consequences and effect of air pollution. Some strict government steps should be taken such as, when a vehicle fails in pollution test it should not be allowed to refuel, use of alternative LPG vehicles should be made
      • Everyone should be made aware of the air pollution and its consequences. Some real time experiences needed to be shown. The vehicles should be tested on every petrol pump before refueling the oils and will not be refueled is it fails in emission test
      • Newer vehicles should be made such that it will minimize the consequences of pollution and a proper guideline should be given with respect to this to all manufactures across the country

      Last and the foremost, as I mentioned earlier in order to prevent pollution we the humans should take responsibility. If every individual takes his/her responsibility one day will come when the world can breathe smoothly

      3. Vorobyov Village, Ukraine (formerly USSR) Summary

      Natasha Revenko shared her bitter-sweet memories with the narrator. Natasha belongs to Vorobyov village in Ukraine. On April 26th 1986 which was her mother birthday a horrible incident happened. A big explosion from a nuclear reactor occurred in the morning, They saw a cloud of white smoke coming from the nuclear reactor. As it was a Saturday, the weekend the children were playing outside, picked up handfuls of the dust and threw it at each other, laughing. On Wednesday they were warned by the authorities not to touch the radioactive dust. But it was too late. A week later the children began to vomit and their hair fell out. Two weeks later her three children died £>n the same day. Lots of village children and adults died

      3. Vorobyov Village, Ukraine (formerly USSR) Glossary

      explosion (n) : a sudden violent burst and sound of it

      apron (n) : a piece of clothing that covers the front part of the clothes and is tied around your waist

      radioactive dust (n) : the dust coming out of a radioactive reaction

      slid (v) : moved smoothly over a wet surface

      pinched (adj) : pale and thin because of worry or illness

      pale (adj) : white because of illness

      sores (n) : painful, red places on the body (wound)

      broke down (phr. v.) : lost control of feelings and started crying

      evacuated (v) : moved people to a safe place

      barren (adj) : land not good enough for crops

      peer (v) : look closely when we cannot see clearly

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